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Search results for "land management"

Including the closely related term land use.

1 result

Torbay Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

… to reduce carbon emissions across the wider Torbay area. We will work with others to create a carbon neutral Torbay by 2030 In 2019 over 442,000 tCO2 arose from Torbay’s businesses, buildings, transport, land use and agricultural sectors. In 2020 the University of Exeter were commissioned to create a Net Zero Torbay report. This report provided a series of recommendations on the key actions needed…

… Programme Hold two business events to promote resource efficiency and working towards carbon neutral businesses Develop a sustainable events charter to make sure large council run events work towards meeting Torbay's carbon neutral 2030 target. Land-use and nature-based solutions Nature based solutions such as tree planting and rewilding areas of land can store carbon emissions. Nature based…

… * Land-use and nature-based solutions Action Timescale 2022 Timescale 2023 Timescale 2024 Continue to deliver effective tree planting schemes as part of the three-year funded itree 2 initiative, including planting over 350 trees by 2023. * * Develop a new Tree Planting Strategy for Torbay * * Refresh the Tree…


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