Including the closely related terms land use, and land uses.
… services are currently declining and many more are in a degraded state. The same Assessment suggested that the differences in future land use changes would have a greater effect on ecosystem services than would the difference between low or high climate impact scenarios21. Action to help species and habitats survive require the same broad approach to conservation as that described in 3.1 – we need…
… ......................................................................................... 9 5. Lincolnshire landscapes ...................................................................................... 10 5.1 Lincolnshire‟s landscapes and habitats .......................................................... 10 Chart 2: Lincolnshire land use .......................................................................... 10 5.1.1 National Character Areas (NCAs…
… surrounded by generally hostile land uses this will be difficult or impossible. Some mobile species are showing changes in distribution that are being attributed to climate change20, which demonstrates that not all species are necessarily losers. But it is the less mobile and less adaptable species that are of most conservation concern; these will be the species to suffer most severely from climate…
… of aquatic habitats. This legislation considers everything from abstraction to surrounding land uses and specific in-channel measures. o With much of the county lying below or close to sea level, flood and coastal erosion risk management is critical to Lincolnshire‟s population and economy. Marine: Policies are being developed to take forward implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework…
… hills, channels and reefs. It is this diversity that makes Lincolnshire a special place for wildlife. 5.1 Lincolnshire’s landscapes and habitats All of the habitats in the county have been shaped by humans in some way. These habitats are spread across a landscape in which arable farmland is the dominant land use. Whilst farmed land can be a haven for wildlife, only a limited number of species…