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Search results for "land management"

Including the closely related terms land use, and agricultural land.

1 result

Basildon Borough Council

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… methodology. A number of constraints should therefore be excluded: • Permanent pasture/grassland (non-agricultural land and agricultural land grades 4 and 5) • Local, national and international nature conservation designations (RAMSAR, SSSI, SAC, SPA, Local Nature Reserves) • Roads, railways, rivers, tracks, open space and buildings • Ancient and managed woodland (due to shading potential…

…) • Historic designations (scheduled monuments, conservation areas) • Competing land use demands– Assumed 10% of land has potential due to competing land use demands – i.e. for growing crops etc. 7.20 The Government has recently announced that Feed in Tariffs (FiTs) will be reduced for solar energy. Sites more than 5MW in size will also not be eligible for the FiT, and therefore both these factors…


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