Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.
… Built Environment 8 C L I M A T E C H A N G E A C T I O N P L A N *Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. A sustainability assessment method that is used to master plan projects infrastructure and buildings Act ion Outcome Timescale Funding Carbon Impact Role Support the transition to sustainable heating sources in new developments • Reduced CO2 emissions…
… Short Term TBC TBC S 1 2 C L I M A T E C H A N G E A C T I O N P L A N Act ion Outcome Timescale Funding Carbon Impact Role Encourage businesses to reduce energy use Continue to encourage businesses to switch to ECO heating and reduce energy use • Increase in the number of referrals to support and take up of funding. • Reduction in energy use Ongoing £ TBC S Continue to promote…