Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.
… humanity has faced in generations, we need to mitigate any further damage to the planet and adapt to the changes in our climate that are already with us, as the recent heatwaves have shown. Greenhouse Gases (GHG) cause the air temperature to increase by trapping certain wavelengths of radiation in the atmosphere contributing to global heating. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the dominant GHG and since…
… not on what we can no longer do but on what will be gained by residents and the borough by taking action. Risks of the climate crisis to Spelthorne The dangers of climate change are well known; however, it is worth reiterating the risks to Spelthorne: • Drought - July 2022 was the driest on record in the South-East • Heat - temperatures recently hit 40.2 at Heathrow on the hottest day on record…
… Council buildings includ- ing removing oil heating from nursery site By 2025 CCT PSLCSF, how- ever, there is the potential to mitigate or slow down the rate of increase in the Council’s ener- gy spend Corporate Priority Recovery Plan, Audits carried out by APSE - projects to be planned to carry out suggested work 4. Incorporate energy efficiency measures and renewables…
…) for possible consultant work if required 6. Deliver lighting upgrades and improvements to heating, ventilation and air conditioning, all remaining lighting in Council buildings to be replaced with LEDs where appropriate Reduce energy use in Council buildings, could also reduce the Council’s energy expenditure Ongoing SO/ Facilities Loft insulation recently upgrad- ed in KG 7. Meter water…
… of flooding, heat and water stress. Including green roofs and walls, Sustainable Drainage schemes (SuDS) and rainwater harvesting. Green roofs and walls could provide carbon sink opportunities and reduce ambient particulate concentrations 2024 Senior Strategic Planning Officer/ CCT Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Corporate Priority Environment Plan Some consultant work being carried…