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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 8 closely related terms such as heating, heating control, and heating.

1 result

Mid Sussex District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to Business Case Space and Water Heating Improvements Survey and Install energy-efficient boilers and heating controls as part of planned Oaklands Modernisation Project by April 2020 MSDC Corporate Estates & Facilities Overall- reduce use of heating by 3% per annum. Existing Funding and subject to business case Investigate the feasibility of installing insulation at Oaklands…

… by April 2020 MSDC Corporate Estates & Facilities Contribution to reduction of heating by 3% per annum Subject to Business Case Maintain Automatic Meter Readers and online energy management system as part of effective energy monitoring and targeting by April 2018. MSDC Sustainability Officer/ Corporate Estates & Facilities Effective monitoring of energy use…

… and identifying areas where efficiency savings can be made Existing Budget Carry out a cost/benefit evaluation for installing a Building Management System at Oaklands by April 2020. MSDC Corporate Estates & Facilities Contribution to reduction of heating and electricity by 3% per annum Existing Funding and subject to business case Housekeeping – Implement and complete ‘Energy Walk…

… Round’ surveys of Oaklands by July 2018 MSDC Sustainability Officer/ Corporate Estates & Facilities Contribution to reduction of heating and electricity by 3% per annum Existing Budget Sustainability Strategy February 2018 6 Water Efficiency Improvements Investigate installation of water- efficient urinals, toilets and taps as part of planned replacements. MSDC…

… two Mid Sussex Cycling Group meetings a year MSDC Sustainability Officer Coordination and engagement on local cycling initiatives Existing funding Promote Energy Efficiency and Affordable Warmth Heat for Health Network Support the formation of a Heat for Health Network that promotes affordable warmth initiatives through partnership initiatives primarily with the Health Sector…


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