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Search results for "heating systems"

Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.

1 result

West Dunbartonshire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Government Targets: Phase out the installation of all new gas boilers by 2035 at the latest. By 2024, all new homes consented are to use zero emission heating. Energy, Water & Assets CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN - TAKING ACTION FOR A NET ZERO FUTURE Action Scope Timescale Focus Service Lead and Supporting Service Areas Stakeholder Engagement Resourcing Monitoring Develop further LHEES…

… and challenges which both influence and limit the ability to deliver local climate action (mitigation and Adaptation). Identified challenges include (but are not limited to): • Funding availability – delivery of many actions will require resources, capital works and investment by the Council – e.g. enhanced energy efficiency measures, and heating and renewables projects in both domestic…

… recovery of the Covid19 pandemic and futureproofing our assets for net zero. The Council has also developed a pilot Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and report to improve our efforts, which will set the strategy and framework for reducing energy demand and decarbonising the heat supply in the Clydebank area and Queens Quay heat network. The LHEES aims to establish area-based…

… plans and priorities for improving the energy efficiency of buildings, and decarbonising heat. These will then be developed and expanded to other areas across West Dunbarton- shire, a first step in the developing and adopting a wider 20 year strategy that will strive towards achieving net zero emissions from buildings by 2045, and removing poor energy efficiency as a driver for fuel poverty. • Set…

… a new annual reduction target for all energy consumption in our Council buildings, which exceeds the Council’s current target. • Deliver recommendations identified through the Council’s pilot Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)*, which will set the strategy and framework for reducing energy demand and decarbonising the heat supply of buildings in the proposed Clydebank area…


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