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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 6 closely related terms such as heating systems, heating system, and heating.

1 result

East Renfrewshire Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… of the following programmes: • Replacement of street lighting with LED lights (1042 LED street-lights installed resulting in electricity usage cost savings of around £32,512, as well as carbon savings of 477 tCO2e); • Upgraded and optimised timers being installed to existing heating systems in various Council buildings; • Replacement of old inefficient electric heating with air-source heat pumps…

… issue groundwork for a new approach to a climate change strategy and action plan development has started. 24. Carbon measurement is a technical specialism and as such, the Environment Department has, through a successful application for Scottish Government funding, engaged consultant expertise with regard to the development of a Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy. This will look…

… cases, capital investment may be required but may also result in revenue cost savings, e.g. reduced energy costs as a result of energy efficient heating and lighting initiatives. The Council’s Capital Investment Strategy will in due course set out the investment needed to meet the requirements of the new action plan as it is developed. 28. External funding opportunities to support…

… implementation programme has contributed in this respect. A milder winter with lower heating requirements also assisted with a reduction this year. We used over 3½ million kwh less this year, resulting in 665.9 tCO2e less. The NDEE phase 1 and phase 2 projects have also delivered £176,000 annual energy cost savings against an investment of £1.3 million. c. Transport emissions lowered…

… strategy for the implementation of renewable energy generation within the Council. Instead, the Council uses existing Environmental and Supplementary Planning Strategies to ensure that all renewable projects are given thorough consideration. Sustainable/renewab le heat Environmental Sustainability Strategy Local Development Plan Handler.ashx?id…


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