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Search results for "heating systems"

Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.

1 result

Angus Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…, there is also the need to improve the energy efficiency of the building stock by improving insulation and reducing heat demand. The Fuel Poverty Act (Scotland) 2019 9 sets ambitious targets to tackle fuel poverty with no more than 5% of Scottish households in fuel poverty, and no more than 1% of households being in extreme fuel poverty, by 2040. In the mobility sector, the National Transport…

… the need for a national mission to create new green jobs with a particular focus on “young people, supporting retraining and investing in our Green New Deal to tackle climate change”13. In particular it brings forward commitments to transform how homes are heated, offering “the opportunity to meet our climate and environment ambitions, whilst building a better economy and creating jobs.”13…

… the GHG emissions by different fuel sources reduced by approximately 10% between 2005 and 2012. The most significant reduction in emissions was as a result of heating oil, with a 35% decrease. Emissions as a result of burning coal saw a significant increase of 69%, as did emissions as a result of diesel with a 19% increase. Gasoline, natural gas and electricity all saw a decrease in emissions…

…. Figure 2: Angus GHG emissions in 2005 and 2012 from BEI sources by fuel type. 29 North East Scotland Sustainable Energy Action Plan Annex III: Angus SEAP. 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 1000000 2005 2012 G H G e m is si on s (t C O 2e ) Electricity Natural gas Heating oil Diesel Gasoline Coal https…

…, milder and wetter winters, an increase in sea level and continued variable weather patterns. Scotland can also expect to see an increase in summer heat waves, extreme temperatures and drought alongside an increase in extreme rainfall events and a decrease in frost and snowfall35 . All of these changes will challenge existing infrastructure including transport, communication, fuel and energy…


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