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Search results for "heating systems"

Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.

1 result

East Devon District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… development and to retrofit energy efficiency and low-carbon heating measures. Improve the energy efficiency of all Council owned buildings (non-housing) as part of our Corporate Asset Management Strategy. Use low carbon technology in all refurbishment, regeneration and improvement schemes. March 2020 TC Having a programme for improving the energy efficiency of our buildings and assets…

… DPD through examination and to adoption including policies that seek to encourage zero carbon development at the new town and requires connection to the existing heat and power network and a number of other measures to require low carbon development such as electric vehicles charging points, fabric first measures in all new buildings, the provision of high quality digital connectivity…

…. September 2019 AW Officer and member support for the strategy and actions Accelerate the upgrading of insulation and energy saving measures in the Council’s housing stock. Install air and ground source heat pumps when upgrading of off-gas properties. Upgrade insulation to minimise fuel poverty. Complete an up to date stock condition survey to identify where interventions and improvements…

…. March 2020 RC Advise and educate business on the carbon reduction projects that they could usefully undertake. Energy - Reduce electricity consumption within the commercial and public sectors. Develop heat supply networks to deliver low carbon heat. Encourage the use of smart meters and energy storage solutions. Increase the amount of energy generated locally using renewable technologies…


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