Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.
… heat around the earth. This comes mostly from the use of oil, coal, and natural gas, when they are used as fuel for transport, heating, power generation, and in the making of products and providing services that we all use. The main greenhouse gas that is the subject of this plan is carbon dioxide (CO2), which we will just call ‘carbon’ here. In North East Lincolnshire we have higher than…
… changes to our weather patterns, with more periods of intense heat, drought, and heavy rainfall leading to floods. It is affecting nature as many plant and animal species are unable to adapt. For people there are health issues, like food shortages, loss of homes and difficulties coping with extremes of heat, wind, and rain. The latest climate predictions suggest that the world has 10 years…
… and for implementation, so we need to be well‐prepared. We have a good understanding of our buildings and their carbon emissions, and we have several projects already being worked on, including a heat decarbonisation plan. Historic buildings, for example our town halls, are unlikely to get to zero carbon use, so some other buildings will need to compensate for them by going further. What will success look…
… for funds. Review our Corporate Asset Management Plan to make sure it aligns with this Carbon Roadmap. Identify opportunities following the development of a heat decarbonisation plan. Explore heat network and micro‐grid opportunities. Complete the rationalisation of our central depot, which will incorporate many carbon reduction features. Link in our work on the Lincolnshire and the local One Public…
… Estate Groups to our carbon net zero ambitions. 17 Workstream 1: Low carbon estate (our own buildings) (Continued from previous page) Medium term 2026‐2030 Ongoing review of options based on changing technology, to create plans for decarbonisation of heating/cooling in our remaining buildings. Agree an approach for reducing carbon emissions in our let/leased properties…