… opportunities to generate Green Heat in Green Spaces. Consideration is being given to the potential to use bio-methane from food waste as an energy source following a positive high-level feasibility study; • The Council achieved the Soil Association Scotland’s ‘Food for Life Served Here’ Bronze Award again this year for the 7th year in a row, for its commitment to providing fresh, locally sourced…
… and sustainable food for school meals, and we are working towards a Silver award; • We undertook a consultation on our vision and overarching plans for our proposed ‘ClimatEvolution Zone’, and we continue to explore options for Blindwells new town and surrounding area with partners, including the feasibility of minewater geothermal heat sources in our former coalfields; • Waste Services reported…
… each of the following aspects of ELC estate and operations to reduce emissions towards achieving Net Zero: energy efficiency, water, heat Climate Change Strategy; ELC Climate Change Reporting CCPMG – all relevant Service Areas; Scottish Government Emissions reduction towards Net Zero for energy efficiency, water, heat Reduce carbon emissions annually to reach Net Zero…