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Search results for "heating systems"

Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.

1 result

Cheltenham Borough Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… the period as Cheltenham grows, so there will be a need to take unexpected increases into account. 19 19 Zero carbon Leisure@ Cheltenham One of the largest carbon emitters in the Borough is Leisure@ Cheltenham. The pool is heated by a combined heat and power (CHP) plant which is relatively efficient, but relies on natural gas, a fossil fuel. The site is well placed…

… the level of readiness for emerging technologies, particularly in low carbon heat. However, the availability of the Climate Action Fund and already identified funding streams will mean that the programme is capable of being managed in a very cost effective manner. The programme will be monitored annually with interim milestones, ensuring that the Council and Borough targets remain on track…

… to explore alternative sources, like Schlumberger ground source heat pumps (GSHP), solar water heating and photovoltaic panels, as well as district heating and other technologies. Net positive depot Most of the vehicle carbon emissions reported by the Council come from Ubico providing services like waste collection and recycling. They currently operate from a very constrained depot site…

…. Creating a new net positive depot and recycling facility would eliminate nearly 1,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases by introducing zero emission refuse collection and other service vehicles, replacing fossil-based natural gas with reclaimed biogas, producing low carbon energy, eliminating cross-shipment of recyclables and utilising low carbon heat from waste. The timing of this project will rely…

… by the Climate Action Fund or other investment finance. Preliminary data demonstrates that there is a potential for Cheltenham to become carbon neutral on electricity utilising Cheltenham Energy based on a linear Scope 2 curve before 2030.15 It is recommended that Cheltenham support the work of the Gloucestershire Heat Decarbonisation task group decarbonising non- electric heating, such as oil…


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