Including 11 closely related terms such as heating systems, heating system, and central heating systems.
…. This improves the energy rating of the home and reduces the cost of space and water heating for the tenant. More recently renewable technology has been installed with properties benefiting from solar PV. Air source heat pumps have replaced oil-fired central heating systems (or inefficient Night Store Heaters) in off- gas areas and where a heating system has reached its replacement interval in our…
… in overall water usage. Resilience to future water shortages improves 1. Per capita water use Encourage less water usage through behavioural change initiatives 21 22 23 What we’ve been doing: From the late 1980’s there has been an ongoing programme to improve the thermal efficiency of dwellings through insulation upgrades, more energy efficient windows and doors and heating systems…
… cyclic maintenance and improvement programme or where the existing heating system cannot be economically repaired. The refurbishment of Christchurch Lodge, renovated to provide accommodation for homeless people, has achieved EPC rating of B, through using a fabric first approach with an innovative insulation solution in the 19th century building. The council’s own new build programme has put…
… sustainability as a high priority. The 2015/16 programme achieved the Code for Sustainable Homes level 4, well exceeding the building regulations in force at that time. This including taking a fabric first approach, installing water saving measures, high efficiency heating systems and renewables. We are looking at other assets and recently undertook a condition survey of the Civic Centre…
… greenhouse gases based upon their global warming potential. Greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb heat energy and prevent it all escaping into space. This keeps the Earth warmer than it would be without these gases. The increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is magnifying the greenhouse effect and increasing global temperatures. There are many greenhouse gases…