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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 6 closely related terms such as heating system, heating systems, and heating.

1 result

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… the uptake of renewable heat technologies amongst householders, communities and businesses through financial incentives. Between April 2014 and October 2019, 100 domestic installations have been accredited in Tonbridge and Malling - 8% of Kent and Medway’s total. Further work is required to accelerate the take up of low emission heating systems. A commitment to reduce CO2 emissions needs to be made…

… the majority is from space heating. To help reduce domestic carbon emissions we will promote retrofitting of insula- tion measures and efficient heating. We will also support the decarbonisation of energy supply through low carbon electricity for example photovoltaic panels and retrofitting of low carbon heating systems. For new build housing energy conser- vation requirements are dealt with under…

…, the number of households has been in- creasing. For gas, the mean consumption (domestic and non-domestic) in Tonbridge and Malling in 2018 was 18,339GWh, higher than the Kent average of 18,291GWh. This is lower than in 2015 where the mean for Tonbridge and Malling was 18,533GWh. Gas remains the main source of domestic emissions and heating. The government has proposed to ban the installation of gas…

…. Of these installation sites, 99.3% were photovoltaic specific, however this accounted for just 29% of the total renewable electricity generated. The remaining electricity came from the conversion of land- fill gas (42%), anaerobic digestion (18%), sewage gas (9%), plant biomas (<2%) and onshore wind (<1%). Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) accreditation – the RHI is a government scheme that aims to encourage…

…, these include;  Developments which maximise opportunities to reduce energy demands through the orientation of habitable rooms to harness natural light and through landscaping to prevent over heating (draft policy LP14).  Developments which maximise opportunities where practicable for sustain- able travel, including contributions towards off site infrastructure as well as walking and cycling routes…


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