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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 6 closely related terms such as heating systems, heating system, and heating.

1 result

London Borough of Lewisham

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 20178 include: • To health and wellbeing from high temperatures; • Shortages in the public water supply; • Food production and trade; • New and emerging pests and diseases. 1.19 Taking action to reduce carbon emissions means cutting the numbers of vehicles on our streets and cleaning up heating systems, actions that have direct benefits for local air quality. Half of those people living…

… 2012-2016 over £5 billion of tax payers’ money was spent treating the effects of fuel poverty whilst 117,000 people died needlessly due to the cold. An area-wide retrofit programme significantly raising the energy efficiency of our housing stock and installing clean and efficient heating systems would benefit individuals but also significantly reduce the burden on hard-pressed front line staff…

… There is substantial evidence that climate change as a result of human activity is linked to increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as flooding, heat waves, drought and storms. There is no safe level of global temperature rise, and temperatures are already 1ºC above pre-industrial levels, and forecast to rise 0.2ºC a decade. This evidence is, largely, uncontested. Recognition…

… lighting and heating improvements. The big challenges we face going forward include:  The poor state of many of the remaining occupied corporate buildings, and the disruption that large scale refurbishment would have on service delivery;  The financial viability of large-scale improvement works, which are unlikely to deliver enough savings particularly for older buildings that have exceeded…

… to the Council in excess of £2M. The Council has invested in the refurbishment of Laurence House including improvements to heating, ventilation and lighting that will deliver carbon reductions. This work will allow it to remain fit for purpose for a further 8-10 years whilst the Catford town centre masterplan is delivered. The refurbishment allowed the council to extend agile working and enabled further…


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