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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 4 closely related terms such as heating system, heating, and heating system.

1 result

Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… that they are already doing a lot or some changes to the way they do things in order to address climate change.  Similarly, a large proportion of respondents (61%) said that they have already made changes to improve the insulation of their homes. Similar proportions of respondents said they have already made changes to their homes heating system (35%) and that they are willing but not able to (39%). Majority…

… Flag awards and/or are protected heritage sites and form key aspects of Doncaster’s visitor economy. Green and Innovative Economy  Across all the low-carbon and renewable energy economy, 3,649 jobs will be required by 2030, and 5,565 will be required by 2050. These will include sectors such as alternative fuels, low-carbon heat, energy efficiency and low emission vehicles…

… to decisions affecting these trends, identifying opportunities for health protection and promotion. BENEFITS TO THE ECONOMY Ensuring that businesses become more environment-conscious regarding their infrastructure and processes will help to reduce emissions but will also provide a financial benefit. For example, using less energy to heat buildings means lower running costs; and natural environment…

… TO HEALTH AND WELLBEING A healthy environment is vital for human health and wellbeing. Poorly planned and managed communities with unsustainable transport systems and a lack of access to public and green areas increase air pollution, noise and heat islands, reduce opportunities for physical activity and have a negative impact on community life and people’s physical and mental health (WHO, 2020…


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