… Executive summary Aberdeen Adapts is a framework for city-wide working on adaptation. Incorporating the views of local organisations and communities, it sets the direction to build long term city resilience. Aberdeen is already home to a range of low carbon initiatives including; hydrogen transport and infrastructure; a passive house nursery; expanding heat network; and community hydro…
… risks. With strong international links, businesses in Aberdeen are well placed to lead research and innovation in this area, to meet increasing market demand. The health and wellbeing of our people A warming climate may provide more opportunity to be outdoors and enjoy a healthy active lifestyle, while reducing winter heat and fuel costs. However, periods of wetter, warmer weather could affect…
… in maintenance demands and costs. ► As part of wider travel planning, increase travel options and links to different modes of transport to assist travel during and following severe weather. ► Ensure design and specifications for transport infrastructure are robust to future rain and heat levels. ► Where practical, improve drainage and reduce flood risk through the use of permeable…
… in Aberdeen will establish smart solutions to monitor change and inform, allowing a more flexible and responsive approach to weather extremes. Adapting Aberdeen: ► Buildings in dense urban areas will feel much warmer, especially at night, because of the urban heat island effect. Using vegetation around buildings can provide shade and cooling helping to avoid energy demands from air…
…, protect vital infrastructure, inform people and monitor the impacts of severe weather. ► Building resilience into Aberdeen’s emerging digital infrastructure can help to protect smart city applications from weather shocks and stresses. Action 4.1 Promote natural solutions to the cooling and ventilation of buildings vulnerable to heat…