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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 6 closely related terms such as heating systems, heating system, and heating systems.

1 result

Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Recommendations Housing • 34% of homes are well insulated • 12% of households suffer from fuel poverty • 332 government funded eco heating systems such as heat pumps installed • Upgrading insulation of 9,066 homes per year will ensure all properties are fully insulated by 2030 • Fitting 5,055 eco-heating systems a year would contribute our borough’s fair share to the UK target • All homes should…

… of high quality zero carbon homes, sustainable buildings and public places that are resilient to the risks of flooding, extreme heat and cold. A borough that actively encourages walking and cycling as the main mode of transport, local food growing, minimising food waste and promoting clean renewable sources of energy. A borough that is focussed on the education and sustainable growth of our young…

… atmosphere with some of this energy being absorbed at the surface by the land, and the rest re-radiated as heat back into the atmosphere. GHGs such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) exist naturally within the atmosphere, and these gases trap the heat and distribute it across the planet. This natural process prevents our planet being a ball of ice and allows adequate temperatures for humans, animals…

… been changing the Earth’s natural Greenhouse Effect. Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas releases a lot more CO2 into the atmosphere than typical natural cycles. Too many GHGs now exist in the atmosphere, which in turn trap more heat from the Sun, causing the Earth to gradually warm. 26 4.2 THE IMPACT OF 1.5° C GLOBAL TEMPERATURE RISE The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate…

… of drainage systems, consequently leading to more frequent and severe localised flash flooding • Warmer and drier summers are likely to affect quantity and quality of food and water supply, as well as damage to buildings and infrastructure and an increase in heat related illnesses • Changing climate will hugely impact the natural ecosystems across the borough • Residents, communities…


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