… and Engagement Action Plan 1 Governance, Engagement and Collaboration 2 Production and Consumption of Resources 3 Transport and Travel 4 Heat and Energy 5 Natural Environment 6 Skills and Green Growth 7 Homes, Workplaces and Buildings 4 5 1 Foreword Traford Council was one of the frst local authorities to declare a climate emergency in November 2018, whilst Greater…
… gas emissions. The report warned that the risk of catastrophic climate change including extreme heat, drought, fooding and climate-related poverty would signifcantly increase unless global warming could be kept to a maximum of 1.5°C. The report stated that global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052 The strategic context for this Action Plan is set by the Greater Manchester…
… and December 2020 and included in Part 2 of this document. Recycling Support for green business and skills Active travel and sustainable transport Warm homes and green homes Electric vehicle infrastructure LED street lighting Planning, policy and place shaping Renewable and low carbon heat and energy Tree planting/urban forest Carbon literacy and behaviour change Natural capital and biodiversity…
… in the following areas: GM Urban Pioneer – Biodiversity Net Gain guidance and implementation, Nature Recovery Network, Natural Capital Investment Plan, Environment Fund, Natural Environment Toolkit and IGNITION project DEEP City Heat network feasibility and implementation plan Energy masterplanning and heat decarbonisation planning Public estate decarbonisation collaborative work and funding bid 13…
… requiring more time and resources by their nature and which will need to be aligned with the Council and GM ultimate 2038 target Action Plan The themes of the action plan are consistent with those of the GM 5 Year Environment Plan, with the addition of a further theme around skills and the green economy. 1 2 3 Governance, Engagement 4 5 6 7 Heat and Energy and Collaboration…