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Search results for "heating systems"

Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.

1 result

Stroud District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… generation within the district and have identified and achieved the offset requirement that will achieve neutrality SG 5 To have facilitated all viable decentralised and ‘smart energy network’ opportunities (such as district heating and energy from waste systems); as well as all viable alternative renewable options such as wood fuel, anaerobic, biomass etc SG 6 To have encouraged an energy…

… for renewables potential and the Water Source Heat projects already identified will be implemented. Any further viable renewables projects identified will be bought forward through a renewable energy strategy for the district. Through a combination of procurement, onsite and, community renewable energy projects, council owned offices and business premises will be renewable powered and offset…

… schemes in place for residual emissions. Our heritage sites can be an example of how to integrate modern technologies on aged buildings and our potential as landlord to businesses gives us opportunity to demonstrate how we can work with our business tenants to avoid energy costs and promote carbon neutral practice. 2 water source heat pump (Ebley Mill Brimscombe Port); Survey’s complete…

… MASTER PLAN OUR COMMITMENTS 2020-23 2023-27 2027-30 RATIONALE INDICATORS OF SUCCESS… EN A BL ER Pa rtn er sh ip s; P ol ic y, D ec is io ns a nd S er vi ce s E5 Energy Networks We will collaborate with leaders from councils, business and industry in the District to explore the potential of the Heat Network Priority Areas that have been identified in research supporting local…

… development not only ‘generates’ power but that it is used effectively to avoid generation elsewhere, there will be other opportunities around our larger in-District emitters that will need to be harnessed to meet the District vision. Heat Network Priority Area Options Appraisals; Feasibility and projects. E6 Planning Policy Linked to NE4,8 We are reviewing our local plan and working…


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