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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 5 closely related terms such as heating, building heating, and heating.

1 result

Cherwell District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… centre electricity Council building heating Council building electricity Fleet diesel Council landscaping fleet Busines travel Council landscaping tools BAU total 2: Cherwell district Residential (electricity) Commercial and industrial (electricity) Residential heating (gas/other fuels) Commercial and industrial (gas/other fuels) Transport (cars/LGVs/HGVs/ motorbikes) Transport (bus/rail…

… 2030 /2031 Where we currently are and why we must take action These graphs show the projection of emissions to 2030 under an approach where no additional action is taken. It is clear that without comprehensive and direct action neither the council or the district will achieve the carbon goals we need. The carbon footprint of: 1: Cherwell District Council Leisure centre heating Leisure…

… • Investigate ways of purchasing remaining green power direct from a local generator • Future purchasing standards for our landscaping contracts. Horizon scan, pilot, and develop new business models • Heat pumps, heat networks and green gas for our buildings • Low carbon options for our large vehicles such as waste collection trucks, e.g. hydrogen • Digital-first approach to specialist service…

…% heating to be renewable New housing to meet the highest energy standards Alongside a range of local partners Cherwell District Council is a signatory to OxLEP’s Oxfordshire Energy Strategy. No single partner owns all the workstreams in the energy strategy. The low carbon investment required is estimated at £300m annually with the potential to add £1.35bn and 11,000 jobs to the Oxfordshire…


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