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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 6 closely related terms such as heating systems, heating system, and heating systems.

1 result

Maidstone Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… bills and so are less likely to live in fuel poverty. The Future Homes Standard describes the new standards anticipated to be introduced by 2025 which would continue this trend and require low-carbon heating and excellent energy efciency. The energy efciency of many older homes has been improved by installing loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, double glazing and more efcient heating systems

…. Some older buildings have solid walls and these can be insulated externally or internally but this is much more expensive than installing cavity wall insulation and few buildings have been insulated in this way. The majority homes in England are heated using fossil fuels, mainly gas, but a small number use oil or coal. We must transform buildings by improving the insulation, changing to low…

… carbon heating and cooling systems and using smart controls for heating and appliances to reduce the carbon emissions from them. Lower carbon heating systems include ground, air and water source heat pumps and low carbon district heating systems. These works could generate employment for suitably trained local people. A signifcant amount of energy is used to power and heat domestic and non…

… to the insulation of their homes, but it is likely that the homes that have been improved could beneft from further insulation works and improved heating systems. There are still a signifcant number of poorly insulated homes where improvements in efciency would lower heating costs and so reduce carbon emissions and fuel poverty. The Government’s Green Homes Grant Scheme, due to open for applications…

… up to £10K. Energy is used by water companies to clean and supply drinking water and we use energy when we heat water. Changes to rainfall patterns suggest we will have less summer rainfall and should use water wisely. We will work with partners to promote water efciency so reducing water use and reducing water poverty. We will: Support partners to explore the potential for Combined Heat


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