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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 4 closely related terms such as heating system, heating, and heating.

1 result

Basildon Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Renewable Energy Options Topic Paper (March 2017) 2.6. This document was prepared to help inform the submission version (Regulation 19) of the Local Plan in regards to low carbon and renewable energy generation. It reviewed recent proposals for a Combined Heat and Power Plant/District Heating system at the site of Dunton Technical Centre and the application of ‘eco-industrial park’ principles…

… (December 2015) 2.7. This paper was prepared for the purposes of informing the Regulation 18 Draft Local Plan, consulted upon in 2016. The document sought to assess the opportunities and constraints for renewable and low carbon energy generation with Basildon Borough, which included:  Onshore wind energy  Solar arrays  Biomass  Microgeneration  District Heating and Combined Heat

… CO2 emissions as opposed to 30% reduction proposed in Option 2 of the Future Homes Standards. This would be followed up by a further change to building regulations before 2025 that would see a prohibition on the use of gas for central heating, with low carbon heat replacing most of the need for heat (heat networks and heat pumps etc.) leading to a 75-80 per cent reduction in carbon emissions…

… energy and heat by identifying sites for energy infrastructure and potential customers. National climate change policy update (post March 2019) 2.20. There have been several major changes to the Government’s national policy on climate change adaptation since the submission of the Basildon Local Plan in March 2019. These are summarised below: UK 2050 ‘net zero’ carbon target 2.21…

… in achieving the Future Homes Standards3. The Future Homes Standard will require new build homes to be future proofed with low carbon heating and achieve world-leading levels of energy efficiency. It is expected to be introduced by 2025. 2.23. The Government’s consultation on Future Homes Standards set out two options for increasing energy efficiency requirements for new homes:  Option 1…


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