Including 9 closely related terms such as heating systems, heating system, and heating.
…-domestic buildings and greater energy efficiency could reduce costs for residence and businesses. Action 2.1 Support KCC to explore the potential for Combined Heat and Power systems and District Heating scheme developments across the community. Output: Developed business case. Outcome: Decision made on feasibility. Cost and responsibility: Development Management, Regeneration and Economic Development…
… and responsibility: Strategic Planning team. Timescale: 2020-22 Action 2.4 Promote low carbon heating including government domestic and non-domestic renewable heat incentive scheme and any other suitable schemes. Output: Low carbon heating, and any grant funding, promoted to businesses, third sector and householders. Outcome: More homes and businesses retrofitted to low carbon heating systems. Cost…
… Aim: To support the change from heating and cooling buildings using fossil fuels to low carbon technology and reducing energy needs by increasing energy efficiency. 29% of emissions in the borough come from homes. Poorly insulated homes cost more to run and contribute to fuel poverty. The technology is available to make the changes needed. A move from fossil fuels will reduce emissions from non…
… time. Timescale: 2020-2023 Action 2.2 Promote access to schemes to residents, landlords and housing associations, for retrofitting insulation to existing homes including ECO3, LA Flex and the Green Homes Grant Scheme. Output: Homeowners and landlords access schemes to install insulation so reduce heating bills and reduce carbon emissions, with particular emphasis on upgrading homes with an EPC rating…
… of E, F or G. Outcome: No homes with EPC rating of E, F or G by 2025 and all homes to be C or better by 2035. Cost and responsibility: Housing and Health and Communications Staff time. Timescale: 2020-30 Action 2.3 Investigate how to support low carbon heat networks. Output: Identify potential of low carbon networks. Outcome: Evidence base to support new direction in Local Plan Review. Cost…