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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 13 closely related terms such as heating systems, heating system, and heating energy.

1 result

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

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… carbon supply. Crucially, we have assumed that 95% of gas-heated buildings will switch to a heat pump system by 2025. Buildings currently served by district heating schemes (assumed to be on gas) should change to a low-carbon heat supply, whether Council- led or in partnership with energy suppliers, e.g. with TfL to utilise waste heat from the tube, with Canary Wharf occupiers to utilise heat

… recently completed buildings. Each building counts Establishing a whole building retrofit plan for each Idea Store that identifies the key changes required is recommended. This would include improvements to the building fabric for all buildings, as reducing heating energy use is a primary aim. The greatest improvement in carbon emissions will come from changing the heating system to low…

… with Passivhaus (15 kWh/m2). Buildings should also use low carbon heat and have on-site renewable energy (e.g. PVs). Major retrofit programme with ambitious energy objectives 90% of existing homes and buildings should have benefited from low energy retrofit by 2050 (by 2030 for Tower Hamlets homes, schools leisure centres). An average heating energy demand of 40kWh/m2/yr should be achieved for retrofit…

… and the electricity revolution The decarbonisation of the grid Electricity used to have a very high carbon content: more than 1,000 gCO2e/kWh in the early 1970’s. It has become steadily ‘greener’ since, although it reached a plateau of approximately 500 gCO2e/kWh during the 2000’s. At that time, heating systems using gas such as boilers and especially CHP were seen as environmentally friendly options…

… roof areas. The targeted installed capacity should be at least 4.2MW. Renewable power Ensure that electricity supply to all the Council’s assets is on a 100% renewable tariff or Power Purchase Agreement Buildings Start retrofitting existing buildings owned and operated by the Council (e.g. Council’s offices) Retrofit heat pumps, use energy management to reduce energy use, improve building energy…


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