Including 6 closely related terms such as heating systems, heating system, and heating.
… decarbonisation; Demand reduction; Low carbon heating systems; Building integrated renewable energy generation and storage; Low carbon transport and Offsetting. Consideration is given to measures that would directly impact CO2e emissions from the Councils’ own operations. 6.1 Conclusion The route towards becoming carbon neutral will require a strong level of ambition and commitment, backed up…
… post 2025, Council needs to consider alternative technology to sufficiently heat buildings Medium to Long term (2025 onwards) Unknown at this time pending further evaluation and options. Access specialist technology expertise to undertake project feasibility studies to identify, the most cost effective projects. Consultant fees in the region of £10,000 - £50,000. Unknown at this time…
…) 30 Carbon Reduction Delivery Strategy 2020-2030 Continued... Priority Area 1: Operational Council Buildings Action Planned Outcome/ Impact Timeframe (Short- Long term) Total estimated cost/ Resource requirement Estimated saving per year / payback/ benefit Estimated CO2 reduction (direct/ indirect) Heating system replacements to heat pumps Review heating replacements for council…
… extreme weather events for example: • Extremely hot weather and heat waves are likely to increase in frequency, magnitude and length. Conservative projections estimate that a 1-in-20 year hottest day is expected to become a 1-in-2 year event by the end of the century. • Longer dry periods are expected to be accompanied by heavier rains. Comparable projections indicate that a 1-in-20 year…
… towards the government’s goals of no new gas heating from 2025, sooner where possible and 'road to zero' (phase out of petrol and diesel cars) by 2035, again sooner where replacements are available. 3.1 Emissions from our own operations Using the greenhouse gas report 2018/19 data, the below table shows the baseline which will be used to measure the carbon reduction targets year on year. Council…