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Search results for "heating systems"

Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.

1 result

Hartlepool Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… on a social housing strategy that sees individuals and families benefit from lower bills as their inbuilt PV linked storage allows them to come off grid at certain points in a week, and that the home that they are living in has been built with Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) so as to allow them to be heat efficient all year round – remembering to inform people that airflow is an important part…

… Climate change impacts on the UK will be more place-specific, meaning that impacts are unique to a particular geographical location or area. Flooding, storms and extreme heat will put added pressure and disruption to critical infrastructure including buildings, transport networks energy, healthcare systems and emergency response services. More frequent, intense rainfall events and rising mean…

… by the organisation through activities such as heating and the use of fuel in fleet vehicles Indirect emissions - purchased energy such as electricity and steam Emissions that are not produced by the organisation but are those that it is indirectly responsible for – examples include business travel, waste disposal, and purchased goods and services Taking a look at Figure 9, not much…

… than the baseline year of 2018/19. A breakdown of emissions by activity for 2022/23 is set out in Figure 10. Overall, CO2e emissions from the council’s land and building assets in 2022/23 were 3,817tCO2e, with approximately 64.4% of emissions resulting from the heating of buildings, the largest contributor of emissions (Figure 10). The council’s next biggest source of emissions is its fleet…

…. Compared to the baseline year, emissions from gas heating dropped by 5.6% and electricity consumption increased by 7.6%, while staff business travel emissions reduced by 36.9%. Figure 11 below shows the changes to the proportion of emissions sources between 2018/19 and 2022/23. Figure 11 A comparison of HBC emissions profile by financial year 2,457 tCO 2 e Emissions from gas…


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