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Search results for "heating systems"

Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.

1 result

Herefordshire Council

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… government for farm subsidies for re-wilding and planting trees alongside the riverbanks. Recommendation no: 34 Theme: Food, Farming and Land Use Strongly agree: 53% Agree: 29% Don’t mind: 8% Disagree: 0% Strongly disagree: 5% Abstain: 5% Priority BB Title: Community heating/cooling solutions. Description: For any larger development, community heating/cooling solutions (district…

heating) must be considered.  Feasibility study on district heating suitability and prove not viable to avoid using.  Any heating/cooling should be a renewable solution with a mandatory emphasis on district solutions (unless proven to be unviable)  Include ground source heat pumps also as a consideration. Recommendation no: 7 Theme: Buildings Strongly agree: 55% Agree: 24% Don’t…


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