Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.
…. Extreme weather events are on the rise this is a direct result of climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is warning of extreme heat, crop losses and water scarcity across Europe if we don’t act soon. Solving this problem doesn’t mean returning to the stone age. Clean energy and technology solutions are just the start. The good news is that tackling climate change…
… of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere which traps heat causing the ‘greenhouse gas effect’. The gases can be thought of as a blanket around the earth keeping it hotter than without them. This is why we need to cut more of these emissions, sooner. Sir David King, the former UK chief scientific advisor said in 2021: “We have to move quickly. What we do over the next three to four years, I believe, is going…
… heat, storms and flooding can be achieved using climate adaptation simultaneously with reducing emissions. Our experiences with climate change impacts of extreme heat and flooding in the UK show that we need adaptation measures in place so we can avoid issues like flooding homes and businesses and public transport cancellations. For example, in 2022 we experienced the risks of extreme heat which…
…. But it is also a global issue between countries as countries across the world have different risks and vulnerabilities. Global climate justice is about recognising that those countries who have historically contributed the least in the acceleration of climate change will feel the worst of its effects, such as extreme heat, flooding, loss of land and people needing to leave their homes becoming climate…
… decade. Together Housing has the following ambitions: • Move away from heating based on fossil fuels – and totally away by 2035 • Use its homes to generate up to 50 megawatts of renewable power generation capacity • Ensure all homes are EPC level C and above by 2030 • Ensure all their newbuild homes are rated EPC level A by 2030 • Reduce its waste and cut down on vehicle mileage • Achieve…