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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 6 closely related terms such as heating system, heating systems, and heating systems.

1 result

Elmbridge Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and heating systems through thermostats. The Carbon Trust esti- mates further energy savings will be realised by using the newest technology. 23/24 n/a 0 Officer time n/a n/a AMPS 6 Building Management System Update Upgrade and/or replacement our BMS to state- of-the-art technology in accordance with the re- view of the accommodation strategy. This might entail upgrades…

… Subject to capital bid 12/ External funding* 17,450 23.5 AMPS 9 Pending accommodation review process 10 For inclusion within 5-year condition survey programme from 23/24 onwards. Capital bid is due latest by 11/2022. 11 At the current point in time and the available technology, moving from gas fired heating systems to heat pump-based systems will not provide a particularly attractive…

… to (daylight) sensors and linking controls for lighting to the BMS as it cur- rently only controls our heating and cooling systems. 23/24 34 50,000 Next condition survey 11,055 4.5 AMPS 1 ISO 50001 is an international standard recognising organisation that enhance their energy performance by implementing an energy management system (EMS) based on a model of continual improvement. This includes…

… Building Management Systems are computer-based systems used to monitor and control building services such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning, fire alarms etc. Elmbridge Borough Council - Carbon Management and Reduction Plan 2020 – 2030 (V1.2) 4 Ref. Action Description When Est. carbon savings [tCO2e/ year] Est. cap- ital cost [£] Funding source Est. sav- ings…

… environment by optimising the office lighting situation. 23/24 29 100,000 Covered by exist- ing capi- tal pro- ject 7 11,319 8.8 AMPS 8 Heating Assessment – Civic Centre8 Plan for future replacement of gas fired boilers and review all options available, including air/ground source, electric, hydrogen etc. solu- tions with a view to upgrade the system to state of the art technologies…


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