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Search results for "heating systems"

Including the closely related terms heating, and heating.

1 result

North East Derbyshire District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… built in the District which will extend refuse collection routes. Operational challenges with charging an electric fleet will also be a consideration. 15 Theme 4 - Renewable Energy Context: We use gas and electricity to heat and power our buildings and also use petrol and diesel to power our fleet. We need to increase generation of renewable electricity (and maybe hydrogen in the future…

… portfolio and selling others. Priorities: • Adopt a fabric first approach to our council owned homes to achieve significant carbon reduction and cost savings in the wider area. • Invest in external wall insulation and heating to improve the energy efficiency of Council and privately owned non-traditional housing stock supported through LAD/HUG grant funding schemes. • Home Assistance Co…


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