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Search results for "heating systems"

Including 8 closely related terms such as heating, domestic heating, and heating.

1 result

Basildon Borough Council

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…;�*������ ������������� ( ������ ����� ������ � ' ������ 13 Domestic consumption 5.5 The majority of homes in Basildon are heated by gas central heating which coincides with the above data. The full breakdown of types of domestic heating systems in Basildon is shown in Table 1 below. Types of Central Heating in Basildon in 2011 Basildon Households Proportion No Central Heating 859 1.20% Gas…

…) and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) 26� Stages 3 and 4 – District Heating (DH) and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) 27� � THE FINDINGS.................................................................................................. 28� A: Large scale onshore wind energy .................................................................. 28� B: Large scale solar arrays…

…) ............................................................................. 41� District Heating (DH) and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) ............................ 42� � CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................. 44� Large scale onshore wind energy ...................................................................... 44� Large scale solar arrays…

… ..................................................................................... 44� Biomass ............................................................................................................. 45� Energy from waste ............................................................................................. 45� Microgeneration ................................................................................................. 45� District Heating (DH) and Combined

… 13: Wind turbine capacity - Land south of Dry Street ....................... 72� LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Types of central heating in Basildon in 2011 .............................................. 13� Table 2: Opportunities and constraints methodology ............................................... 19� Table 3: Solar water heating potential (thermal) methodology…


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