Including 12 closely related terms such as heating system, heating systems, and heating.
… Insulate your home: There are many simple yet effective ways to insulate your home, which can significantly reduce heat loss while lowering your heating bills. Find out more at: Reducing home heat loss - on the Energy Saving Trust website Lower your thermostat: Set thermostats no higher than 19°C and the water temperature in heating systems no higher than 55…
…°. Find out more at: Heating controls - on the Energy Saving Trust website Save water: Contact your local water company and ask them to carry out an audit of your home and provide tips on ways to reduce water consumption. Find out more at: Water…
… saving tips - on the Ofwat website Water wise website Consider switching to a low-carbon heating system: such as a heat pump. Find out more at: In depth guide to heat pumps - on the Energy Saving Trust website Get more tips for improving the energy efficiency of your home…
… the atmosphere through carbon offsetting, ie by utilising tree planting or other carbon sinks. Key targets for tackling climate change: Global target: to limit global heating by 1.5°C which in turn will limit the most damaging impacts of climate change. UK target: The UK is aiming to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 with a further target to cut carbon emissions by 78 per cent…
…: Adur & Worthing Councils Carbon Neutral Plan - Working towards the 2030 target (December 2019) (1,550KB) Developed proposals for the delivery of a very-low carbon heat network: utilising waste heat from Worthing's main sewer to heat public and private buildings across the town centre. A bid was submitted to the Heat Network Investment Project in April…