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Search results for "heat pumps"

Including 4 closely related terms such as heat pump, heat pumps, and heat pumps.

1 result

City of Edinburgh Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to a reduction of 6% of 2020/21 levels). 4.8 The areas with the greatest potential for securing further reductions are the reduction of thermal demand in buildings through energy efficiency improvements and the replacement of gas boilers with air source heat pumps or other low or zero carbon alternatives. The Council is taking a leading role in Scotland on EnerPHit - informed retrofits with an ‘EnerPHit…

… on buildings emissions projections 21 Asset Management Board, 17 November 2020, Addressing the Net Zero Operational Carbon Target across the Operational Estate 22 The first pilot only takes two building to feasibility stage only. 23 Air Source Heat Pump. Note that the electrification of heat with ASHP will lead to an increase in electrical load, compensated by large gas savings…


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