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Search results for "heat pumps"

Including 4 closely related terms such as heat pump, heat pumps, and pumps.

1 result

Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and an out-dated form of heating. Many customers chose not to put the heating on. In winter 2019, Bolton at Home installed 69 air source heat pump systems in customers’ homes. These systems extract heat from the air outside for heating and hot water. They use conventional radiators and controls, which appeals to customers and are easy to operate. The project has multiple benefits and has made…

… a real difference to people. It will save an estimated 70 tonnes of carbon emissions per year from heating the properties and it has also significantly lowered the running costs for customers, helping to address inequalities and reduce the risk of fuel poverty. The heat pumps cost between £1.50 and £2.00 to run per day. Customers said that their storage heaters could easily cost over £4.00…


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