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Search results for "heat pumps"

Including 4 closely related terms such as heat pump, heat pumps, and heat pumps.

1 result

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

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… roof areas. The targeted installed capacity should be at least 4.2MW. Renewable power Ensure that electricity supply to all the Council’s assets is on a 100% renewable tariff or Power Purchase Agreement Buildings Start retrofitting existing buildings owned and operated by the Council (e.g. Council’s offices) Retrofit heat pumps, use energy management to reduce energy use, improve building energy…

… new gas boilers from 2020. Stop the installation of new gas-fired CHP immediately. Switch to low carbon heat (e.g. heat pumps). Gradually phase out gas for heating and cooking in the borough. Net Zero Carbon new buildings from 2025 Mandate ultra-low levels of energy use in new buildings. This is through setting a kWh/m2 total energy target, and a space heating demand target in line…

…. As the carbon content of electricity reduces the importance of reducing heating demand, switching to low carbon heat (for example heat pumps) and electrifying transport become increasingly important. The contribution from road transport has been calculated on a per capita basis from the total London emissions. The contribution from aviation has been calculated on a per capita basis from the total…

…, to be achieved by 2025 for Council buildings, street lighting and most other stationery sources. This should be achieved by improving the building fabric (insulation, airtightness), its services (ventilation, lighting, energy management) and, crucially, switching away from gas heating towards low carbon heat (e.g. heat pumps). Phasing out gas use The majority of buildings should switch to a low…

… carbon supply. Crucially, we have assumed that 95% of gas-heated buildings will switch to a heat pump system by 2025. Buildings currently served by district heating schemes (assumed to be on gas) should change to a low-carbon heat supply, whether Council- led or in partnership with energy suppliers, e.g. with TfL to utilise waste heat from the tube, with Canary Wharf occupiers to utilise heat…


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