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Search results for "heat pump"

Including the closely related term heat pumps.

1 result

Kingston-upon-Hull City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… buildings; district heating, for some sites within the city centre red line project boundary using net zero fuels; and electric heating through, for example, air or ground source heat pumps. 6.34 District heating for city centre buildings is currently under assessment and a report will be brought to Cabinet in February for the final investment decision. This would deliver a significant carbon…

… assessed for net zero compliance to understand any future retrofit requirements. 6.65 Additionally, the homes, as with the vast majority of the city are gas boiler heated which will need to change to electric over the period to 2050. This would require an investment for the 23,000 council homes that are not in communal blocks of £184m-230m just in air source heat pumps. 6.66…

… not create additional cost through poor retrofitting. 6.69 Further, the Council, University, KWL and NPS are working on a demonstration project installing innovative air source heat pump technology with solar and photovoltaic panels to understand the benefit as a net zero solution. 6.70 The project is also investigating new funding models such as Heat as a Service (HaaS) where the Council…


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