Including the closely related term heat pumps.
… accessible for all. The use of heat pumps is steadily increasing following a government supported drive and subsidy scheme. Low Carbon Heat Networks provide heat to communities in County Durham. County Durham’s Aims for 2045 All gas and fossil fuel heating in homes, public buildings, and businesses has been removed and replaced with affordable low carbon alternatives. Key Challenges Heat…
… decarbonisation is the most significant challenge that we face in terms of decarbonisation is a significant challenge especially considering the infrastructure changes that will be needed to facilitate such changes. Skilling up heating engineers so that they are familiar and competent with heat pump technology is a challenge for government and the Further Education sector. Electricity remains 4 times…
… as expensive as gas. An electricity tariff for heat pump users needs to be introduced to avoid the issues around fuel poverty. Government funding needs to be sustainable and long term, based on quality rather than quantity. Key Highlights The Low Carbon depot is a project to significantly reduce emissions linked to a strategic depot in the North West of the county. Alongside electric vehicle charging…
…, a large solar farm and battery storage, the project is refurbishing office buildings at the site to improve thermal properties of the buildings to reduce demand for heat and replace natural gas heating with low carbon heating systems (in the form of heat pumps) all to be fed from the solar farm. The County Durham fuel poverty partnership has enabled residents in County Durham to have the 4th…
… and skills development. There is also opportunity for cost reduction in business overheads. A low carbon energy system will require a range of skills that may be additional to existing professional practices, for example, heat pump installation requires a skilled workforce to design, install and commission the heat pump system. Education, Engagement and Awareness Raising It is critical that heat…