Including the closely related term heat pumps.
… be possible without the cooperation and support of all stakeholders – from the Council’s teams, suppliers and partners, to the third sector, businesses, and residents in Buckinghamshire. As result of collaborative working over £203k was secured to support tree planting projects by local organisations, water source heat pumps and solar panels have been installed at Chiltern Lifestyle Centre…
… 5,860 trees, procuring 25% of electricity from renewable sources, and transitioning to cloud based servers) which includes the installation of air source heat pump technology funded by the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, and establishing new woodland areas. Progress against targets The following section details the progress made against the aims and objectives of the Climate…
… Operational Estate Operational Buildings Heat Decarbonisation Work (re Action 17) Our work to decarbonise heating systems across our operational estate since the adoption of the Strategy includes the following: • the production of heat decarbonisation plans for 13 sites (using a third party) • taking forward two air source heat pump projects with grants of £127,690 and £86,580 from the Public…
… the Wendover Wharf Road Campus Decarbonisation project – which assessed the feasibility of establishing a district heat network (powered by a groundsource heat pump) for seven buildings: John Colet School, John Hampden School, Wendover Junior School, Wendover Swimming Pool, Wendover Youth Centre, Wendover Memorial Hall and Little Acorns Kindergarten. It also identified the potential…
… for installing insulation and other energy efficiency measures (to reduce energy demand) and a solar PV system. The feasibility study was conducted by ReEnergise and funded by the Rural Community Energy Fund. In July 2022 the results of the assessment were published. It concluded that the best option would be for air source heat pumps to be installed when the (relatively new) existing boilers…