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Search results for "heat pump"

Including the closely related term heat pumps.

1 result

Surrey County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… businesses. Many face significant challenges to decarbonise. Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by changing the way they travel, shop, eat and by reducing their waste. Homeowners and landlords can create energy efficient buildings which use low-carbon heat pumps, and maximise on-site renewable energy. Businesses can set ambitious climate reduction targets and offer low-carbon goods…

…, such as Solar Together or similar. (8) Encourage the uptake of national funding schemes such as proposed heat pump grantsxiii. (9) Consider other options to support retrofit in homes. Commercial and industrial properties 8%-26% emission reduction14 99-323 Businesses to reduce energy consumption, maximise15 renewable energy and switch to low carbon heating16. (10) Implement LoCASE, which…

…, motorbikes and all other forms of road transport that rely on petrol, diesel, natural gas or liquid petroleum gas. Heat Pump A form of electric heating that is very efficient. Indirect emissions Indirect emissions are those that occur as a result of something we do or buy, but we don’t have direct control over. For example, we might buy a product that is manufactured elsewhere and we cannot…


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