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Search results for "heat pump"

Including the closely related term heat pumps.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… gas heating to low carbon heating such as heat pumps, leading to a reduction in Scope 1 emissions. 44. As the vehicle fleet is predominantly powered by combustion engines, fuel consumption over the years 2017/18 – 2019/20 has remained fairly steady. There is a continued shift from diesel to petrol vehicles, which reduces the emissions of gases and particulates that contribute to air…

… of council housing stock and estates by moving to LED lighting where appropriate, delivering a programme of roof and window renewals and exploring options to install new technologies to improve energy efficiency in council owned housing blocks such as ground/air source heat pumps. Further research will be undertaken into potential green funding streams and bids for funds will be made as appropriate…


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