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Wealden District Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… Initiate by Commentary Economic Development, Waste Management and HR CAG. Document updated 11.01.21 H1 Investigate the potential for a low carbon heat network at Vicarage Field (Hailsham Aspires) Undertake a feasibility study to assess the technical and financial viability of delivering a heat-pump led heat network as part of the Vicarage Field redevelopment (Hailsham Aspires) 31…

… options, and funding mechanisms (HNDU). - Links have been made with S.E Energy Hub, which may offer potential support for project development. H3 Develop heating system replacement programme for Council properties to replace all gas boilers Review heating system asset plan for Council owned buildings and identify opportunities for switching to heat pumps. 30-Sep-20…

… options for those properties not on the gas network. Note: WDC has already installed 187 air-source heat pumps in off-gas properties. Solutions for RLS are also being explored. This will be incorporated into the Estate Carbon Management plan (see R1). Economic Development, Waste Management and HR CAG. Document updated 11.01.21 Building integrated renewable energy generation…


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