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Search results for "heat pump"

Including the closely related term heat pumps.

1 result

Liverpool City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… fuels) Electrify journeys that are still reliant on vehicles Insulation of 170,000 buildings in the city to enable use of lower intensity heat Buildings Decarbonise heating of buildings (both domestic and commercial) Connection of 70,000 buildings to heat networks where waste heat or new heat can be efficiently supplied Installation of 203,000 individual heat pump systems Reducing…

… measures Replacement of existing heating systems with air- source heat pumps Building retrofit Bus Rapid Transit and electric rail integration Upgrades to bus and rail services Connection to zero carbon heat distribution networks Nationally significant renewable projects Electrification of vehicles and public transport Waste prevention measures Reduce plastic waste and Improve…

… solution; one has firm plans for a combined air/ground/water source heat pump system. To reach net zero, almost all of Liverpool’s addresses will need to have a decarbonised heating supply. This means replacing the heating systems in almost all of the 275,000 addresses. Table 1: Current heating in Liverpool Sector Buildings Heat GWh -> gas -> electricity tCO2 gas tCO2 electricity tCO2 total…

… make it possible to install heat pump systems which are more efficient when they can deliver heat at a lower temperature. AIM AIM 2 Replace gas heating systems in all buildings Gas-fired heating systems must all be replaced with a zero-carbon alternative to achieve the required decarbonisation of space and water heating. Consistent with the principles set out above, this must be done…

… alignment with strategic approach Solution Description Alignment with strategic approach Least Regrets Least Cost Resistive Electric Systems Electrical heaters such as storage heaters Established technology Running costs are four times as expensive as gas. The electricity network will need to be significantly upgraded to cope with demand. Heat Pumps & Hot Water storage Use of electricity…


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