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Search results for "green homes grant"

Including the related terms grant funding, and grant scheme.

111 results

Three Rivers District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… design. We have secures Green Homes Grant funding to alleviate fuel poverty in 100+ homes across the district Three Rivers District has the highest number of publicly- accessible electric vehicle charging points in Hertfordshire. Developed a comprehensive county- wide Water Action Plan in collaboration with all key water-related stakeholders to ensure sustainable water management…

… 80,000 car journeys annually (saving an estimated 40% of carbon emissions with the same journeys made by a small car). Since 2020 we have: • Secured Green Homes Grant funding to alleviate fuel poverty by improving energy efficiency in over 100 dwellings across the District. • Helped residents recycle 64.1% of their waste – the highest proportion of waste recycled, composted or reused…

… as soon as possible. 17 Efficiency of Existing Buildings Domestic energy use accounts for 27% of carbon dioxide emissions in Three Rivers. Over two-thirds of properties in Three Rivers are energy inefficient, with an EPC rating below a C. Three Rivers District Council has secured Green Homes Grant funding to lift over 100 homes out of fuel poverty in 2021, and reduce energy-related…

London Borough of Wandsworth

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… providing a full assessment of the benefits and viability of utilisation of cleaner and green technologies. The Green Homes Grant funding from central government includes a full suite of retrofit works to four tenanted properties including the installation of solar PVs, LED lighting and upgraded heating and heating controls. These works, which are underway, will improve the energy efficiency…

… emissions and are supported to take action. In 2020 Wandsworth made progress in this area by securing Green Homes Grant funding, holding the Climate Summit, which included a session on greening your home and a session with the Chamber of Commerce, and ongoing communication and engagement actions. Supporting the borough as a whole to reduce emissions is an area of on-going focus for the 2021 WESS…

… and what they can do. This included a “Love to Garden” campaign, which highlighted the positive benefits of maintaining gardens, and the launch of a climate change e- newsletter. 25. £500,000 of funding from central government was secured to improve the energy efficiency of people’s homes through the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme. Wandsworth was one of only 56 local…

… rate for EVs to incentivise deployment. Zipcar has ambitions to make the Flex fleet fully electric by 2025, so it is expected that more users each year able to take advantage of driving cars that are free from tailpipe emissions. Improving energy efficiency in homes 70. Delivery of Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme will continue, and bids will be developed for any future…

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

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… moving forward 2.15 To support consortia bid for ‘Sustainable Warmth’, the latest round of Green Homes Grant funding. If successful, to promote within the borough and maximise reach among our residents Council/ Borough: Borough- wide Emissions Reduction: Medium Cost: Low (£) Funding Source: TBC Income Generation?: No Q1 2022 – Q1 2023 Completed Climate…

… now working on finalising approach to new ECO4 scheme with view to promoting wider to residents and overlapping with other funding streams 2.14 Support delivery of the new government Green Homes Grant (GHG) within the borough including promotion via available channels Council/ Borough: Borough- wide Emissions Reduction: Medium Cost: Low (£) Funding Source: TBC Income…

… Generation?: No Q4 2020 Completed Climate Change and Sustainability team No. of GHG vouchers provided within borough (if available) The Green Homes Grant voucher release scheme has now closed and ran from September 2020 to 31 March 2021. 164 measures were installed in the borough under the voucher scheme, of which 37 were installed in low income. Details of types of measures…

… installed in the borough are not available, but over the whole scheme, 68% of measures were insulation, such as loft or pitched roof insulation, 25% were provision of low carbon heating and 7% were secondary measures such as heating controls, glazing or draught- proofing. Other grants schemes have been adopted under the Green Homes Grants banner and these will be captured under Action 2.13…

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

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… efficient properties so also works to tackle fuel poverty within the borough. 2.15 To support consortia bid for ‘Sustainable Warmth’, the latest round of Green Homes Grant funding. If successful, to promote within the borough and maximise reach among our residents Medium Low Q1 2022 – Q1 2023 No. of installations within the borough New action for 21/22. If successful, scheme…

… and council loans/grants being utilised to ‘plug the gaps’. 2.14 Support delivery of the new government Green Homes Grant (GHG) within the borough including promotion via available channels Medium Low Q4 2020 No. of GHG vouchers provided within borough (if available) Original GHG voucher scheme promoted. 146 measures installed to date in the borough under the voucher scheme. Details…

Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… emissions. This includes a £2 billion Green Homes Grant scheme to help homeowners and landlords pay for green improvements such as loft, wall and floor insulation; and a £1 billion programme to make public buildings, including schools and hospitals, greener. Source: be-an-historic-turning-point-in-tackling-the- global-climate-crisis/…

Dacorum Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… finalised though preparatory work has already started. Some of these activities, such as marketing campaigns will need to be in response to external triggers and timelines – for example, the Green Homes Grant scheme which has been recently launched by central Government. Other activities can work alongside our own strategies and plans – such as tree planting events. 6.3 Set out below are some…

… that are available.  Climate Emergency - Public Consultation The public are more likely to be engaged in a strategy that they have been able to give feedback into. Once Dacorum’s Climate Emergency Strategy and Action plan has been finalised we would like to open up a…

… elements o Measures to tackle anti-social behaviour o Landscaping options  Currently exploring a trial estate for a domestic landscaping survey on trees within HRA tenure 3.2 Energy grant applications: Two have been made - the first is for financial support, the second for support on effective options. The Green Homes Grant Local Authorities Delivery Scheme (GHG LAD). The grants…

… and where the Council itself is eligible for financial support we will evaluate then make use of it as effectively as we can. Existing examples include:  Green Homes Grant voucher scheme. o This scheme allows home-owners and landlords to claim up to £5000 (or £10,000 for low-income homes) of vouchers for energy efficiency improvements in their homes. The vouchers need to be used by March 2021…

Maidstone Borough Council

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… time. Timescale: 2020-2023 Action 2.2 Promote access to schemes to residents, landlords and housing associations, for retrofitting insulation to existing homes including ECO3, LA Flex and the Green Homes Grant Scheme. Output: Homeowners and landlords access schemes to install insulation so reduce heating bills and reduce carbon emissions, with particular emphasis on upgrading homes with an EPC rating…

… accommodation are energy efficient and EPC rating improved to requirement. Output: Conduct review and work with landlords to identify the carbon savings. Investigate funding opportunities provided for ECO3 provider, or by Green Homes Grant Scheme. Outcome: All homes let as temporary accommodation are energy efficient. Cost and responsibility: Top up for ECO3: £103,400 – from initial survey, may vary slightly…

…. Green Homes Grant Scheme provides 2/3 of costs up to £5k.  BCC Manager and Housing Service. Timescale: 2020-22 Action 7.5 Incorporate energy saving principles into our office strategy. Utilise any learning from new working practices adopted due to COVID-19. Output: Staff and members are supported to use technologies that enable remote and home working; use of office space…

Maidstone Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… to the insulation of their homes, but it is likely that the homes that have been improved could beneft from further insulation works and improved heating systems. There are still a signifcant number of poorly insulated homes where improvements in efciency would lower heating costs and so reduce carbon emissions and fuel poverty. The Government’s Green Homes Grant Scheme, due to open for applications…

… Scheme and/or the Green Homes Grant Scheme to retroft insulation to our temporary accommodation and top up any funding shortfall. Use technology to support home working, reducing commuting to work Ensure the buildings we let move towards a high standard for carbon reduction 24 Theme 8 - Communications Our communications…

Wychavon District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. In July 2020, the Chancellor announced a £2 billion Green Homes Grant scheme in England for projects such as insulation as part of a wider £3 billion plan to cut emissions. Under the Green Homes Grant scheme, the Government will pay at least two-thirds of the cost of home energy-saving improvements. 3.2 Worcestershire context Worcestershire LEP’s 2014 Strategic Economic Plan outlines…

… technologies through initiatives such as the new Green Homes Grant. • Facilitate a domestic bulk solar PV buying scheme. • Work with social housing providers to deliver carbon neutral housing schemes. • Run targeted energy efficiency awareness campaigns aimed at residents. • Promote development of further renewable energy schemes in the district including solar PV and geothermal. • Consider…

West of England Combined Authority

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of climate change e.g. flooding, heatwaves, wildfires, could have a detrimental impact on businesses, their supply chains and workforce. that car trips are expected to increase Opportunities to build back better Government is investing £3billion in a green recovery package, this includes the Green Homes Grant (£2bn) estimated to support over 100,000 new jobs and the Green Jobs Challenge Fund (£40m…

… the energy efficiency in buildings and homes is complex as a result of different levels of ownership and responsibility for property maintenance Opportunities to build back better • Government is investing £3billion in a green recovery package, this includes the Green Homes Grant [£2bn] which will focus on green home improvements and upgrade over 600,000 homes • Government will invest £1bn over…

Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… will be published at the beginning of each calendar year. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP Newcastle Net Zero Pledge ACTION 1 I will improve the energy efficiency of my home using the checklist here and sign up for the Green Home Grant here. NET ZERO PLEDGE FOR INDIVIDUALS We invite you (our residents, young people and businesses) to support the city as we transition to Net Zero by pledging to take three simple…

…/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=2379&MId=12564&Ver=4 https…

Worcester City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… • Number and usage of electric vehicle chargepoints • Walking and cycling rates and reported safety of walking and cycling around the city • Number of residents receiving funding towards energy efficiency measures (through the Green Homes Grant scheme, ECO or ECO flex) • Percentage of homes with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, F or G • Percentage of non domestic premises with EPC…

… opportunities to residents, such as the Green Homes Grant vouchers • Seek opportunities for city wide decarbonisation of heating through the use of hydrogen, seeking to capitalise on the local development of hydrogen boilers • Ensure that our private sector housing standards officers are fully trained to identify fuel poverty and are able to support residents to access funding for energy efficiency…

Mole Valley District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… that all Clarion homes within MVDC comply with enhanced energy efficiency standards by 2040. Discuss similar with other housing associations. Annual target to be agreed with Clarion and other housing associations. Existing Low D March 2022 and beyond Promote new government ‘Green Homes Grantscheme aimed at reducing the energy costs of homes. Social media campaigns delivered…

Tendring District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… efficiency improvement to homes Planting of over 5,000 trees at Rush Green in Clacton and the award of over £40,000 from Network Rail towards planting over 30,000 hedgerow trees in the district working with private landowners Consortium bid with ECC to Government Green Homes Grant Scheme - will see 11 homes in the district benefit from energy efficiency improvements Exploration of submitting…

Buckinghamshire Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… of Long Enabling Change GHGLAD42 Phase 2 bid 22/03/21 £1,360,070 awarded for energy performance retrofits to approx. 130 eligible properties43 42 Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme. For more information, please visit: phase-2-funding-allocated-to-local-energy-hubs 43 Press…

… release issued on 6th December 2021:

…/publications/apply-for-the-sustainable-warmth-competition. 45 For more information, please visit:…

… with energy efficiency measures under GHGLAD1b Aug 2022 Green Homes Grant promoted via a press release46 07/10/22 Bucks Herald news item47 07/10/22 Bucks Solar Together launched and promoted48 09/05/22 46 For more information, please visit: 47 For more…

… information, please visit: 48 For more information, please visit: ceWFvQekIp3gOPI9CxL…

Lewes District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of the green homes grant scheme, and the facilitation of a community energy solar project. • With regards to our social housing stock we have completed the stock condition surveys and are currently analysing the data with our consultants. The council is continuing to progress the Decarbonising Our Housing Stock (DOHS) project by working with the Greater Brighton Economic Board, other local authority…

… Short Term Can be delivered using existing resources Mar-22 Climate change online training has been developed but needs reviewing prior to going live. amber E12 Work in collaboration with others to advertise the Governments Green Homes Grant and associated funding streams and retrofit schemes. Private sector housing can access funds to help retrofit and improve energy efficiency…

… will will be forthcoming over the next few months and installs will take place over the next year. We will work to promote key messages regionally and meet other LA officers on a regular basis to facilitate this. green E13 Work in collaboration with others to develop bids for the Local authority delivery strands of the Governments Green Homes Grant and associated funding streams Public and private…

Cambridge City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. For example: ● Retrofitting private homes in Cambridge to a net zero standard could cost around £1.75 billion, but to date Government has only allocated £2 billion funding for the whole UK for the Green Homes Grant. ● Government has announced that all new production cars will have to be electric by 2030, but many cars on the road will still be petrol or diesel long after this, so a much earlier…

…. In December 2020, we led a successful £2 million Cambridgeshire-wide partnership bid to the Government’s new Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery (LAD) scheme, which will fund energy efficiency improvements to 278 properties including 66 Cambridge City Council homes. ● Promoting group-buying schemes, such as the Cambridgeshire-wide Solar Together scheme, which enables Cambridge residents…

Babergh District Council

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… support lots of schemes to tackle this global issue at a local level. They include: Green Homes Grant If you’re a homeowner or residential landlord you can apply for a Green Homes Grant voucher towards the cost of installing energy efficient improvements to your home. Find out if you're eligible and apply for the Green Homes

Grant Warm Homes Fund National Grid and Affordable Warmth Solutions launched a £150m Warm Homes Fund to support local authorities in helping fuel poor households. Suffolk's councils were awarded funding for the next 3 years to install first-time central heating systems in fuel poor households. Read more about the Warm…


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