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Three Rivers District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… Three Rivers District Council Climate Emergency & Sustainability Strategy WORKING TOGETHER FOR A BETTER FUTURE CONTENTS Executive Summary Page 3 Introduction Page 14 Background – Why We Need This Strategy Page 6-9 The Policy Context Page 6 A Green Recovery from Covid-19 Page 7 Our Progress To Date Pagee 10…

… rise to 1.5°C to avoid the worst social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change and safeguard the planet for future generations will require radical action at all levels of government and society, and in every economic sector across the world. A post-pandemic Green Recovery presents a once-in-a- generation opportunity to redesign our economies and societies to be more resilient…

… and resource management, and the use of chemicals. A Green Recovery from Covid-19: The health and economic impact of Covid-19 has starkly demonstrated the future that awaits us if we do not act immediately to halt the destruction of the natural world on which we depend. Since its emergence, the coronavirus pandemic has had devastating consequences for lives and livelihoods globally, while also…

… tropical diseases such as Zika virus and Dengue fever 11. To avoid such risks, a sustainability-centred “Green Recovery” must be a priority. A Green Recovery presents an opportunity to invest in the creation of new jobs and low-carbon infrastructure; support innovation, re-skilling and retraining to expand the sustainable goods and services sector; and drive a shift in social norms…

… a Green Recovery in Three Rivers and will ensure that the actions we implement as part of our response to the climate and ecological crises will simultaneously deliver sustainable development. In addition, we will undertake evidence studies to review the long-term impacts of Covid-19 in our District, and determine if policy changes are required to reflect the evidence found. 8 https…


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