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Search results for "future homes standard"

Including 4 closely related terms such as future homes standard, future homes, and future homes.

1 result

Dacorum Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… ensures a high level of energy efficiency is achieved above the former Sustainable Housing Code Level 4. We have developed to Passivhaus standard on one scheme and the focus is on developing a revised standard which will be considerably higher than Code level 4 and potentially higher than the proposed Future Homes Standard. As with all such improvements in standards there will be a balance between…

… developments in government policy which will have a bearing on how far we can increase the standards above the current levels specifically the Future Homes Standard. This will be delivered as a Building Control requirements at levels considerably higher than the old Code Level 4 and should be in force relatively quickly. One proposal in the Future Homes Standard is to prevent Local Planning Authorities…

…. 5.2 Table One Climate change policy Purpose Comments/action SP Climate Change Overarching strategic policy Carbon emission targets Mitigation setting out range of measures in the Plan that contribute to climate change and emissions reductions for new development up to 2030 and net zero from 2030 may be superseded by Future Homes Standard and White Paper 2025 requirements…

… Development Submit evidence that energy efficiency standards in new development up to 2030 are as a minimum 19% below target plus major residential to contribute towards a further 20%, and non- residential BREEAM excellent, and support for retrofitting May be superseded by Future Homes Standard and White Paper 2025 requirements Low carbon community heat and energy networks Major…


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