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Search results for "fuel poverty"

Including the closely related terms poverty, and fuel poverty.

1 result

Cheshire West and Chester Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… that this does not present a barrier to people with lower incomes living in high-quality, carbon neutral housing. Furthermore, people with lower incomes may be less able to pay independently for insulation to their home, leading to higher energy bills and reinforcing the cycle of fuel poverty while also 13 generating additional carbon emissions. These are perverse outcomes, and we must…

…-term funding settlement from government. We will continue to work with government to create the foundations required for effective local action on climate change, and in the interim will do all we can with the powers, resources and time available to us. There are also significant links between the Climate Emergency Response and the Council’s priorities on tackling poverty, inequality…

… and improving mental health. The detrimental effects of climate change are disproportionately felt by people who are experiencing poverty, similarly, the effect of climate change on creating anxiety, especially in young people, has been widely noted in the national and international media. As an example of work that is underway to bring tackle these issues in a joined-up way, the Council is working…

… with the Welcome Network to explore becoming a ‘Sustainable Food Place’; creating a sustainable food system will reduce food poverty, reduce waste and generate lower carbon emissions. It is essential that we bear the linkages between these priorities in-mind when designing interventions. For example, it is widely discussed that building to carbon neutral standards adds cost, but it is essential…


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