Including 4 closely related terms such as flood, flood prevention, and flood risk.
…: Environment Councillor Ieronimo, Portfolio: Transportation, Roads, Highways and Flood Prevention Councillor Pritchard, Portfolio: Communities, Crime Prevention and Culture Councillor Drake-Davis, Portfolio: Regeneration For Information: Reference Library (Public Set) Page 2 of 112 Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Commission 10:00 on Thursday, 13 October 2022…
… (substituting for Councillor Burton), C Randall, Wareing, Wilkinson and Woods In attendance: Councillor Ieronimo, Portfolio Holder for Transportation, Roads, Highways and Flood Prevention, Hull City Council A. Codd, Assistant Director, Economic Development and Regeneration, Hull City Council G. Taylor, Assistant Director, Major Projects, Culture and Place, Hull City Council A. Burton…
…) PORTFOLIO HOLDER UPDATE – PORTFOLIO HOLDER FOR TRANSPORTATION, ROADS, HIGHWAYS AND FLOOD PREVENTION. (a-b) Cllr Ieronimo / M. Jones / G. Taylor / A. Codd Councillor Ieronimo, Portfolio Holder for Transportation, Roads, Highways and Flood Prevention attended for the item and outlined his priorities for the year ahead which included (1) effective consultation with the public (2) enabling…
… the movement of people around the City (3) fixing roads and footpaths (4) flood prevention. The Commission discussed: i. Why road safety was not covered within the transport survey and whether it constituted an omission. The Portfolio Holder advised the Commission that there had not been a conscious decision to omit questions around road safety. The main driver for the survey had been…
… and officers of the Council. 1.9 Appendix 3 provides a glossary of terms used throughout the report. 1.10 Hull City Council was one of the first Cities to adopt a climate emergency when it did so in March 2019 and has always been committed to tackling climate change and its consequences as a priority. This is evidenced by the Council being the first to adopt a city-wide Strategic Flood Risk…