Including the closely related terms flood, flooding, and flood risk.
… is March 2023. Planning Emerging Bracknell Forest Local Plan - flood risk Description Emerging policy on flood risk requires development to avoid areas at risk of flooding. Lead officers Sarah Slade. Indicators linked to monitoring progress Development to avoid areas…
… at risk of flooding. Target and measurement Number of appeals allowed when refusal is on grounds of flood risk. Quarter 2 update - July to September 2022 Awaiting implementation of the Bracknell Forest Local Plan (BFLP). The BFLP is currently being examined and Stage 1 hearing sessions were held in May and June 2022. Stage 2 hearings will be arranged in due course. Adoption is anticipated…
… to monitoring progress Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) targets annual monitoring report for Local Plan Quarter 3 update - October to December 2021 The total area of Habitats of Principal Importance (HPI) has increased by 50.97ha mainly due to new mapping of ponds across the borough. 700 ponds were identified which support biodiversity, store water, reduce flooding and act as carbon sinks…
… systems Description Emerging policy on sustainable drainage systems (SuDs) requires SuDs for major development and development in areas at risk of flooding. Lead officers Sarah Slade. Indicators linked to monitoring progress SUDs required for major development and development in areas at risk of flooding. Target and measurement Number of appeals allowed…